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What Your Mars Sign Says About You

Mars is called the ‘God of War’ in astrology because it rules our anger, with the sign it is in showing us the things that make us angry. 

One theory circulating on social media about Mars in astrology states that while Mars can make us angry, the house that Mars falls in can show us what will relieve the anger we feel and help us become balanced again.

What your Mars sign says about what makes you angry

RELATED: How To Manifest Using Your Mars Sign

Mars in Aries

Aries is known for having an explosive temper, sometimes at the drop of a hat. Aries tend to get angry when others disagree with something they feel strongly about or when dealing with emotional matters. While they have a temper it dissipates quickly.

Mars in Taurus

It takes a lot to make Mars in Taurus angry, but when they finally are, you will know it. The thing that makes Taurus mad is people poking at them over and over. Eventually, they have enough and the bull emerges showing its horns.

Mars in Gemini

Gemini Mars gets angry when someone exposes or brings up their shortcomings or says hurtful things, and they typically don’t like conflict or being contradicted since they like to be correct.

Mars in Cancer

Mars in Cancer gets angry when their feelings and emotions are dismissed or minimalized or they are told to ‘just get over’ emotional issues that bother them or cause concern.


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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