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How To Attract Any Woman, According To Her Mars Sign

The game of love can be hard in general, but with astrology by your side (and the birth chart details of the person you are interested in), you can learn how to push the odds more in your favor.

So, if you want to attract a woman and have her fall head over heels in love with you, pay attention to her Mars sign.

Mars is the planet of victory, passion, and drive in astrology. It’s hot-blooded and not shy.

Therefore, the Mars sign (and its house placement) in a person’s birth chart can reveal a lot about how they approach challenges in the world (whether in love or otherwise), how they make friends and enemies, and what they like when they get between the sheets.

In a woman’s chart, Mars usually represents the type of man she is attracted to the most (if she is heterosexual). But if she considers herself more masculine, then the Mars sign will reveal more about her style and her Venus sign will reveal what she’s attracted to in a romantic partner.

Here’s how you can attract any woman, based on her Mars sign

RELATED: How Mars Affects The Way You Love, According To Astrology

How to attract an Aries Mars woman

Mars is the ruler of Aries, so an Aries Mars woman is going to be very direct and to the point (unless Mars is in an introverted house or aspected by Saturn in her birth chart). She loves the thrill of the chase, of making someone hers and hers alone.

A Mars in Aries woman is instantly turned off by weak, wishy-washy behavior. But don’t be rude or disrespectful. She won’t tolerate that either.


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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