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Karmic Lesson For Each Moon Sign

The natal chart opens us up to the theories of past lives that can be viewed through the Lunar Nodes, the Moon sign, and other placements.

TikToker Love Lomasi brings up the theory of Moon signs and past lives based on Judy Hall’s book, “Past Life Astrology.” The Tiktoker provides clues and insight into our potential past lives. The Moon represents our childhood but the emotional needs we have now can be linked to what we may have experienced and learned in a past incarnation.

Based on this theory, it seems like our soul in this lifetime is continuing the lessons from the past to give us tools for the present and future.

Each Moon sign’s karmic lesson

Aries Moon: balance independence and interdependence

According to Lomasi, those with an Aries moon “come into this world with a soul that has a very strong sense of self and a strong ego.» She explains that an Aries moon represents someone who was «a pioneer, a crusader, an advocate for the disinherited» in as past life, explaining that «in your present life, you may have done heroic gestures on behalf of your mom, partner, or even the collective because you have the emotional strength to conquer this, to do this.»

Aries moons are pioneers and can be viewed as magnanimous leaders who want to help others. Because they are ruled by Mars, they can feel pretty unstoppable but also they can become protectors for their family and the people that they care about. This is the position of someone determined to guide others with kindness if they have evolved and have abandoned selfish tendencies. Aries moons need to give up some of their power and control, so balance is indeed essential when it comes to their independent nature as mentioned above.

RELATED: What Your Moon Sign Means And How To Find It, According To Astrology

Taurus Moon: establish inner self-security

Lomasi explains that Taurus moons “may have an overwhelming emotional need for security,» which often manifests as searching for «security in the material world. This is because, «In your past life, you may have come from a family that placed a lot of value on wealth or outer status symbols.» Taurus is a sign that values security and they will seek it through their career or through seeking partners that have common goals with them. Because this is a fixed sign, they will be hyper-focused on achieving one goal, even if the path can feel daunting, exhausting and can make them miserable.

However, when the Taurus moon has had enough, they will be able to move on. It will be tough for them, but they can break free, especially if they have some cardinal or mutable placements in their natal chart. The Taurus moon needs to learn how to trust themselves so this can open them up to more control and freedom to do what makes them happy.


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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