
Weekly Forecast: November 28 – December 4

three card tarot reading with rider-waite-smith deck featuring two of pentacles, the lovers, six of pentacles

Playful energy is gifting us with some surprisingly practical insights this week, dear readers. And in case you’re missing the epic intensity of some our past readings, fear not: The Lovers makes an appearance highlighting the importance of our personal agency when making choices.

Let’s get into the details.

The Two of Pentacles has a refreshing, jaunty aura about them, and this week invites us to put down the burdens of plans, grand visions, and complicated structures in order to grant ourselves the freedom to experiment. Whether you’re staring something anew or need a fresh gust of inspiration in a project or area of your life that’s felt stale and stilted, this card has many helpful suggestions for you.

I think it’s time for a list, in true “practical-pentacles” fashion:

  • Return to or visit the basic principles of what you want: what are the two pentacles you’re juggling? Makes sure you’re really interested in them, enthralled even, like the energetic character in the card.

  • Embrace looking ridiculous and have a sense of humor about yourself. (How could this hat signify anything but a charming lack of self-consciousness?)

  • Focus on what you can do now, and have fun with it….

  • While keeping your eyes open to the possibility of a grand future, so that the excitement of your work can steer you somewhere new, instead of back towards familiar dead-ends or tough spots.

It’s likely that this card is speaking to an area in your life that has to do with those ruled by the pentacles suit: work, daily routines, physical health, sex and sensuality. Last week, we had the Queen of Pentacles holding court in the center of our reading, so it’s possible that your “thesis statement” revealed itself in the past seven days. Regardless, this week is an excellent time to find inspiration in going back to the drawing board or starting anew. Let this energy expand to revivify your practices, how you spend your time, and to refocus on what feels good while sustaining your life.

Towards the end of the week, our progress in this area starts to unfurl outwards. Oftentimes, the Two of Pentacles can seem frivolous or silly: can having fun really be transformative? And, especially, can it be helpful to the larger whole and not an act of selfishness?

The Six of Pentacles answers this question with a resounding “yes!” In tending to our sense of play, expansiveness, and even the basics of caring for ourselves (this Two of Pentacles sometimes highlights the intersection of mental and physical health), we become more able to direct our gifts outwards. Consider how, once you feel more grounded and inspired, you can express and honor your values in your actions. If the pentacles gives us one piece of wisdom, it’s this: What we do matters. Helping others, giving back, and recognizing our responsibility for the ones who come after us – all of this falls under the Six of Pentacle’s themes of balance, justice, and reciprocity.

Presiding over all of this, The Lovers lends its aura of pivotal change to this earthy reading. I like this! It means, in other words, that the key to our transformation can be found in the things we’re already doing. This isn’t a moment of looking for a grand epiphany, a prophecy from an outside source; the seeds of self-realization have already been planted, we just have to keep tending to them and watch them sprout into something grander.

If you’ve been agonizing over a choice, fearful of a change that’s afoot, or worried about striking out on your own, look around your life for signs that you’re already on your way and that things are working out just fine. The Lovers reminds us that all change require a healthy dose of self-respect. Growing is hard business, especially when it’s into our own unique forms. Individuality can feel vulnerable, but it also attracts the complimentary people, places, and opportunities that are meant just for us. Open yourself to both the tenderness and excitement of meaningful personal change.

This week, embrace:

  • Playfulness, good-natured humor

  • A willingness to make mistakes

  • Going back to the basics

  • Tending to your physical health

  • Starting new projects

  • Self-love and appreciation

  • Giving back, supporting others

This week, Avoid:

  • Overcomplicating plans, projects, routines

  • Naysayers, people afraid to grow

  • Limiting your vision for the future

  • Focusing on the future to the detriment of the present moment

Get creative:

  • Two of Pentacles: Let’s lean into the inherent ridiculousness of this card. I love how it combines the earthy nature of the pentacles with movement and joy. So, like this jaunty fellow, lift your leg and get dancing. Bonus points for being as ungainly, unhinged, and insane-looking as possible. Just one song, alone in your kitchen, is enough, but more is even better.

  • The Lovers: Let’s not allow the grandness of this card to eclipse the joy and excitement of the week. Because part of what makes The Lovers so powerful is that it holds the excitement, love, and passion that motivates personal change. Rather than forcing this card to reveal itself, spend the week looking for delightful pangs of love wherever you go. What pulls you closer? What do you desire? What makes you feel like you’re opening up to the world?

  • Six of Pentacles: Spend some time in gratitude – who helps you and how? Once you’ve identified several source of help, support, or inspiration (I suggest three), write out a way you can pay forward the same energy to others.

Written by HoroscopoDiario

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