
Weekly Forecast: October 31 – November 6 — Incandescent Tarot

I am so glad to see the Queen of Wands back in our reading for the week. I’ll be honest; while I love this card, I was really not feeling it last week. Charismatic ease and vivacious individuality were not shining through into my everyday life with ease! But because of this, I found myself having to strive for this archetype, choosing to embody it despite not feeling up to snuff or at my best.

Which is all to say that I’m glad this card is back at the end of our reading, giving us a sense of direction. How are we walking towards a greater sense of authenticity? We have unfinished business with the Queen of Wands, and this is the week to explore her further.

So, before we dive into the rest of our reading, take a moment to reflect on how this card showed up for you last week. Were you struggling with it like me or did charm, wit, and creativity come easily to you? One thing that emerged as I wrestled with this card was its connection to unabashed authenticity. The Queen of Wands cannot be anything other than his, her, or themself. How have you been embracing your idiosyncrasies as the sources of your power and magnetism?

If some key piece of information around this question appeared last week, this is the week to build upon it by making a direct offering. What steps can we take towards letting our true selves shine?

Our first stop is the loopy Seven of Cups. It’s time for inspiration-overload. Let yourself get dreamy and imaginative at the beginning of the week. It’s okay if your thoughts feel scrambled and linear thinking isn’t coming easily. This card shows us the power of diving into the weirdness of our imaginations. Sometimes we have to envision multiple, outlandish futures in order to discover the parts and pieces we need to construct what’s just right for us. Not to mention the fact that so little is, at the end of the day, in our control. Stretching our imaginations primes us to accept bigger possibilities when they arrive. Devote time to hopping from inspiration to inspiration. Poetry, art, magic, daydreaming, actual dreaming… all of these can be found in the strange land of the Seven of Cups.

It’s also a helpful reminder that periods of feeling adrift, off-course, or simply unproductive are key to finding a way forward that resonates with our hearts. We are in series of cups cards here, a reminder that our feeling selves have a lot to tell us at the moment. Don’t turn up your nose at your desire for love, beauty, and connection. Revel in the mystery, have fun, dream big, and maybe move more pressing, detail-oriented tasks towards the end of the week.

Sometimes the Seven of Cups can be a frustrating card, especially for those of us who value clear plans and actionable steps. It’ll take a bit of a trust fall, but after some splashing around in the pools of imagination, we’re emerging with energy and purpose. The Knight of Cups shows us grasping a new area of focus, or rather, a better articulated one. Have you been toying around with a wish, dream, or plan, but feel the need for it to be more direct and understandable? It’s likely that this clarity is coming your way this week. In what ways are you better able to articulate your wishes and desires after opening up your heart to imagining?

Knights have a hard-headedness to them that can often be troublesome, but this week we need some bravado and insouciance to push ourselves to the next level. Don’t be afraid of asking for a lot, passionately declaring your principles, and striving for big ideals. It’s a time to take chances, particularly the ones that resonate on a deeply meaningful level. The Knight of Cups is a true romantic; they see life in the brightest spectrum of colors (much like, nerd alert, those mantis shrimp with 12-16 photoreceptor cells to our three) and have no qualms taking risks for beauty, transcendence, and love.

Striving unapologetically for what we love and desire, romantically and otherwise, is leading us back to the Queen of Wands, this time with a newfound appreciation and understanding of our unique selves. Consider how the risks you take build on your confidence, giving you the power to change your life and to express yourself more freely.

This week, embrace:

  • Daydreaming

  • Imagining new paths

  • Reevaluating, re-vivifying your creative rituals and practices

  • Acting on what means the most to you

  • Taking chances

  • Self-expression

  • Your leadership abilities & responsibilities

This week, avoid:

  • Over-scheduling

  • Fear of the spotlight

  • Hiding behind excuses

  • Being overly practical

Get creative:

  • Seven of Cups: Take a nice chunk of time to lay out some dishy, daydreamy plans. Seven of them. Give yourself five minutes for each, writing out only the best possible outcome. Stretch into the delightful details, especially if they’re outlandish; how could each be uniquely wonderful? Enjoy yourself. That’s it.

  • Knight of Cups: This knight belongs on the cover of a romance novel. Lean into this image, even (and especially) if it feels cheesy. How can you sashay into your own life and the lives of others bringing charm, beauty, and romance? Act as an emissary for something that’s delighting you: share it with unbridled enthusiasm with the people you encounter. Bring the wonder you want to see in the world into others’ lives.

  • Queen of Wands: Dedicate yourself to joy this week. This card sees each moment of pleasure & joy as a gift, a sign that you’re on the right track. As tarot luminary Rachel Pollack writes, “Sometimes if a person loves life, the world appears to respond by protecting that person from harm and sends her of him joyous experiences.” When you notice something delightful happening, stop and let yourself take in the moment, metabolizing it so that it can fuel you moving forward. Close your eyes, feel it all, and give thanks.

Written by HoroscopoDiario

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