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Waking Up, Dissilusioned | ElsaElsa


It’s such strange time.  There’s very little that people agree on. It so unusual at this point, there’s a new way to describe “agreement” and it’s step down from what was.  It sounds like this, “We think the same thing, for different reasons”.   That’s about as good as it gets.

At this point in time, people are finding out things are not as the thought they were, or felt they were, or believed they were.  This is true in for everyone, everywhere, as far as I can tell, though the particulars are unique.

Let me give you some examples so we’re on the page.

  • You can go to the doctor at any time and get great care.
  • If you ever have a legal problem, you can hire an attorney and they will help you out. Further, justice will reliably prevail.
  • Employers care about their employees.
  • Various state agencies will help you.
  • You / your spouse will always be healthy.
  • So many other things..

Over the last six months or so, I’ve had numerous clients run into problems that turned out to be stickier than expected. The scope of the assorted problems is broad, but health is a big one.  If a person has never really be sick or they’ve not been sick lately, in many cases, they’re in for a shock when they set out to access health care and ultimately a cure or some level of relief.  This has become a protracted operation.

As another example, I was hit in my car by a gravel truck at 55 mph.  The other party is at fault, so my medical expenses will be covered, right? And my pain and suffering? And my loss of wages? Dream on.

I easily settled claims in two other accidents I’ve been in. This should be easy, right? Not anymore.  But there’s Better Business Bureau, right?


There is but they can’t help you. But there is your state’s insurance commission, right?

Oops, they can’t help me either.

Always a loophole. Always a rule or law you didn’t know about; many even a law no one knows about.  The settlement is like an imaginary pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. The fact I’m entitled to it is irrelevant.

What about needed home repairs? Easy to get this service, right? Maybe not.  But you just don’t realize until you try to access the help. We had a brand new washing machine that broke in a month. Under warranty, right?  So no problem?

Yes, problem. Maytag has no service people in the area. So is there a warranty or the illusion of a warranty? It took thirty phone calls and six weeks to get it fixed!

Everyone screams at everyone else, WAKE UP. But people don’t tend to grasp something or care about something until they’re personally affected. I’m not saying this is bad. People are busy!

That’s another thing. People are busy. Too busy to care, in many cases.  So you have friends, as far as you know. If you start needing them, chances are your circle will shrink.

There’s an endless list of things that play this way.  You thought you would love a person forever, and they, you. You thought your family member would or wouldn’t do this or that.  You thought your education set you up for life. You thought you could go to the bank and withdraw your money!

The first time I distinctly realized life was broadly, not what I thought it was was in 2015.  I tend to think I am right a lot so this news came as a true revelation and I wrote about it.

Humbling – When You Find Out You’re Wrong…

Back then I thought this was like a cool veil lifting, to show my my life was out of focus in some way.  There were no bad feelings attached.  That is the part that has changed!

After writing that post, I continued to hit walls and make corrections to my “paradigm”, but over time my feelings about this changed. Nearly eight years later, with Saturn in Pisces; real reality is disillusioning and that’s what this post is about.

If you’re just finding out that things you have assumed are not good and right and working as intended or described, it can hit you really hard.  We’ve got Pluto wrapping up in Capricorn. I’ve always equated that with “cracks in the foundation”.  Well these are cracks in your foundation. Or rather, your foundation has washed away, dissolving beneath you.

I’m putting this out there for people to discuss, but also to say, if this is happening to you, I can help. I’d say it’s because when I run into something horrible, I run right into the eye of the thing. It’s not a choice, it’s my nature. I’ve just always been interested in mapping hell so I get right in this, immediately.

Hell is what it feels like when you grab for something you need that you think is there; to come up with a handful of nothing.  This is especially true, if you try to tell someone what’s happened in you life, if it conflicts with what they believe. Since have few if any “common beliefs”, it’s easy to see why it’s the way it is at this time.

I think people are beginning to realize if they don’t connect with a human, soon, they could be stuck with machines.  It’s not too late to make a friend or be a friend… something!

Written by HoroscopoDiario

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From August 14 – 20, 2023

Jupiter Conjunct Venus Synastry