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How Does Astrology Work? | ElsaElsa

zodiac astro wheelHow does it all work? Astrologers present everything in such a matter-of-fact way, but what is your understanding of how and why the science works as it does and affects humanity the way it does?

What a great question. It’s mind-boggling, I know! I’m not the best person to answer this, but I’ve been asked so I’ll try…

How does it all work?

I don’t know!  I don’t know how it works and I don’t know why it works and it’s irritating! I only know it does work and believe me, I am open to finding out otherwise.

I’m telling you, when I hear the planets are fake, I am open to such a thing. I am open to the idea, I have spent my life in astrology, mixed up beyond all measure. But I just can’t get this theory to stick, based on real life experience. Not a little bit of experience, but a lot.  A lifetime of astrology.  Even if the planets are something other than what we think they are, it still works,

In a way, I wish that I could disprove it!  If it happened, I would be released from this. If this did happen, I would come right on here and outline what I’d learned. So I do consider things like this, always, to this day.  As recently as a month ago! I seek the truth! But in the end, whatever I hear is abstract when stacked up against my real life experience.

Think what it takes to get on the phone with total strangers all over the world, and start chatting about their internal workings, based on a piece of paper in your hand? There is no way I would or could do this, if I were not completely confident in my ability to discern these things from a chart. How?

When I was first introduced to astrology, at 8 years old, it was an intellectual curiosity that I shared with my sister.  As I grew up and left home, I did not find anyone interested in the subject. I lay it aside until I was 21 years old. That’s when I decided to get a formal address book that tracked people’s birthdays.

When I saw that every friend I had fell into one of three TIGHT clusters throughout the year, I went back to astrology… not knowing how it worked. Curiosity, see? Had to be something there, even though I had no peers around for many years. I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

It’s decades later and all I’ve seen is astrology be validated, over and over and over again.  Yes, I’m still trying to answer your question…

Today, astrology for me is less than half, an intelleucal process.  I hold the chart and the information comes to me; generally, it’s what I need to say to the person. I do feel it’s channeled on some level.  Creative person can relate!  In that moment, you know you are a conduit.  The stuff is coming through you. From 2008 Communicating the Ethereal.

So  I don’t know what is going on, outside of what I do know.  I invested the time to learn astrology. My personal and professional life experience has put me in a position when I can read a chart like breathing.  A person asks me a question and the answer is there… right there, generally in about three seconds.  Some part of this takes place in the “black box”. See Love & The Black Box Theory.

Astrologers present everything in such a matter-of-fact way, but what is your understanding of how and why the science works as it does and affects humanity the way it does?

“Astrologers” are not created equally.  I see astrologers state things as if they are facts when they make no sense at all to me, so I want to set this group aside.

Other astrologers co-op the work of a peer and offer another person’s opinion matter-of-factly, as if it is their own. They don’t actually have personal experience. This person is not an astrologer in my mind,  though they may be on their way.

Astrologers who overwhelmingly tend to get it right state things matter-of-factly because we’ve seen the concept proven, over and over.  If this is the case, the only reason to state it not matter-of-factly, would be to put a layer of PC culture on top, or some kind of open-ended people pleasing. Why bother?  Why be disingenuous, if you know?

As for the “science” of it, I don’t even know that astrology is a science. What is “science” in this day and age?

ephemerisIf you learn astrology, properly, you should be able to take an ephemeris, add birth data and come up with something concrete.   It works because the person has mastered a skill. The level of skill varies. Emotional health and psychological sophistication are enormous factors.

That is one of my books there, from the 1990’s. I have five of them by now, for daily use. Hell yes, I’ve learned things!

Regarding the effects of the planets on humanity; many would mention the pull of the tides but frankly, I don’t know a lot about that. I like to stick to what I do know and in fact, there are a lot of techniques and ideas out there that I feel are invalid, even if they’re widely accepted. I’ve been in this long enough, I only use techniques which I know are solid, based on personal experience. I’m saying, I can’t address this for all of astrology.  My personal knowledge and experience is all I can offer.

Further, we’re all finding out we’ve been told many lies over the course of our lives. It’s within the realm of possibility, a chunk of astrology comes tumbling down as part of this, so I’m not going to throw up the status quo, just because there is one.  I can only tell you that a natal chart yields profound information on a variety levels… and that’s for good or ill.

My answer is, the book + the data = real information.  The rest is hidden from me personally. I think if all were revealed, there would be some surprises.

Last, I feel that “chicken or the egg” applies to astrology in a massive way. Specifically, in the realm of event astrology. Most feel the planets are causing the events. I think people are causing the events; timing they to coincide with the planets.  Do with that, what you will.

Anyone else have ideas?

Written by HoroscopoDiario

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