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June 9 Horoscopes Are Full Of Inner Conflict For 3 Zodiac Signs

What do we want to avoid today? Inner conflict! What will we be unable to avoid today? Inner conflict. That’s what you get when the Moon square with Mercury. It puts us all in a state of tension. For some, more than others, everyone seems to get a taste of this piece.

Today will be when we want to say something so badly, but we know that if we so much as dare to open our mouths, we might as well open up the gates of hell. The reaction to our thoughts and words will be so over the top that we’ll instantly regret speaking them. And yet, we’ll be feeling those sentiments to the bone … we just know that if we share our thoughts, we’ll be slaughtered for even daring to open our mouths.

Hello, conflict. Hello, inner tension. Today, June 9, brings us Moon square Mercury, and this transit will really affect those who don’t like repressing their thoughts. That doesn’t imply that some folks don’t mind, but there are people here, three zodiac signs in particular, who have a tough time knowing that they can’t say what’s on their mind or they will either get in trouble. They’ll be ostracized for feeling the way they do. We don’t want to keep our opinions to ourselves, but Moon square Mercury tells us that we should because the price of expressing ourselves on this day, June 9, 2023, might be emotionally costly. The conflict comes when we realize that we must hold back — as a survival method.

RELATED: The Fascinating Way Each Zodiac Sign Tells Lies

It’s pretty easy to imagine how this could play out in social media. One person brings up a hot topic; before we know it, a million people are all dog piling on top of that person with their opinion of it. It’s enough to scare a person away, and that’s what today is all about. Being scared away by people because we know those opinions, when untethered, can be ferocious, toxic and inhuman. Which three zodiac signs will feel the heat of Moon square Mercury today?

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on June 9:

1. Cancer

(June 21 – July 22)

The last thing you want to get into today is someone else’s war. You have your thoughts and don’t feel like you can be persuaded to think another way. Your curiosity may get the better of you today, as Moon square Mercury tends to bring many irresistible topics to light. Do we want to be part of the conversation? Nope, not today. What burns you today, however, is that you see your friends all ‘going that way,’ and you just aren’t feeling it.


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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