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July 17 Horoscopes May Be Challenging For 3 Specific Zodiac Signs

Well, get ready to have your secret life exposed today, zodiac signs, because this day brings a cruel sort of sadism, and it all has to do with the transit of Moon opposite Pluto. While we can’t really attribute the word ‘sadism’ to the universe, today may end up being one of those days where three zodiac signs look up at the sky, fist in the air, screaming out, «What more do you want of me? WHAT?» Oh yeah, it’s a real drama series today, and it would almost be better if we literally had cameras rolling, filming it all. Because today is a reality show, and if we’re lucky enough to be spectators, we’ll see how these three zodiac signs will suffer a fate that we would never want to have on our own.

Hello, Moon opposite Pluto. Can you go home now? Right. As if we could tell gigantic celestial bodies what to do, especially as they transit to and fro, creating havoc on our wee lives down here on the ol’ blue and green planet Earth. What did we do to have our secrets revealed like this? Why kind of sick cosmic joke? It has us working so hard to be good people only to shove the spotlight on that one thing we really wanted to keep under wraps.

July 17, 2023, will have us doing things we don’t want to do, starting with protecting and defending ourselves from total humiliation. Not what a person wakes up desiring, if you know what I mean. Yet, let it be known: it will be rough sailing for three zodiac signs today during Moon opposite Pluto. Hoist the Jolly Roger, and we’re coming aboard!

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on July 17:

1. Leo 

(July 23 – August 22)


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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