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3 Specific Zodiac Signs Can’t Commit On July 16, During Moon Sextile Jupiter

Three zodiac signs can’t commit on July 16. As much as we might want to show someone in our lives that we are there for them, there’s also a part of us that simply can’t sign on the dotted line, so to speak. This means that while we believe that commitment is cool and all, we just can’t get ourselves to do it. We believe more in the idea of thinking it’s cool and less in the actual doing of it. This is very common during Jupiter transits and on July 16, 2023, we have Moon sextile Jupiter to help us understand ourselves better when it comes to the topic of relationships and commitment. Just…not happening today. And for three zodiac signs, when that gate does down, it stays down…for a while, at least.

Commitment, for these three zodiac signs seems like an imprisonment, and it’s not because the idea of being with someone special is torture or anything that extreme; it’s more along the lines of personal choices. It’s not the person we want to avoid, but the idea of doing something that isn’t natural to us, and commitment, for some people, isn’t a natural state of being. It feels forced, and in love when things are forced, the chances of erosion are great. We don’t want to commit for that reason alone. We don’t want to blow it.

However, being understood for this logic isn’t going to be easy. It’s going to be hard to convince the person we are in a relationship with that we’re all with them, but that we just don’t want to call it exclusive, or anything with a defining label. We just want to know that we’re still autonomous and free, and shouldn’t that be OK? Yes, it should. We can’t commit because Moon sextile Jupiter brings out the freedom-lover in these three zodiac signs.

Three zodiac signs can’t commit on July 16:

1. Gemini 

(May 21 – June 20)


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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