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3 Zodiac Signs Have A Tough Time On July 15, During Moon Sextile Mars

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on July 15, when Moon sextiles Mars. If you’ve been holding it in for a long time, then today is the day you let it out. What is ‘it’ you ask? ‘It’ is your pent up anger and frustration, and just as soon as you though you had it under lock and key, BOOM comes Moon sextile Mars to set it all on a rampage, and guess who’s going to look like an idiot for being this out of control? You, that’s who.

Let’s call in the usual suspects for this astrological line up, because on July 15, three zodiac signs will have a less than calm day. Our explosive timers are short today, so get ready to blow. Moon sextile Mars is no joke when it comes to setting people off, and what’s worse is that we who will get in the ring, all ready to rumble, will actually feel justified in our anger and really, is there anything worse than an angry person who insists they are right? Hello today. Hello, Moon sextile Mars.

This is the kind of day where you approach someone and they snap at you for no reason at all. This is also the kind of day where we snap back, making the entire scene a bad one. We feel provoked over nothing, as if we’re just biding our time, waiting for the big fight to begin and we’re the star attraction, the prize fighter, the downtrodden ex-champion who, for some reason, wants to reclaim the glory once again. But what is this about? It’s about nothing. We’re just angry today and if we are one of the three zodiac signs who are most affected by Moon sextile Mars, we will create in our minds grandiose scenarios where we’ve been burned and now we want our revenge.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Want To Break Up On July 15, During Moon Sextile Venus

Oh, the drama! Oh, the unnecessary theatrics. Leave it to Moon sextile Mars to get us going. We are so offended today! This is going to be a rough one, zodiac signs. Are you on the list? Let’s see.


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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