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Horoscopes Are Rough For 3 Zodiac Signs On July 13 During Moon Square Saturn

Today is only rough if we make it so, and guess what? That will be exactly what we want to do … for reasons unknown. What will be noticeable on July 13, 2023, between couples in a long-term, committed relationship is that it suddenly seems so … heavy.

What was just ‘the way it goes’ only yesterday starts taking on burdensome qualities today, and that is because we have the super-drag transit of Moon square Saturn doing its dirty work all over three zodiac signs. This all means that on this day, we’re looking to find what’s wrong in our romances. It’s to this, or not enough, that there is no ‘happy medium’ to be found today, and for some, depression will follow.

Oh, goody, right? Wrong. That’s the other thing: sarcasm doesn’t cut it today. That means we can make all the jokes and side-cracks about our ‘love’ relationship, and we’re still not finding the humor in it. The glaring revelation, however, is that we’ve been settling for this for a while now. We may notice for the first time that what we have, what we share with our romantic partners, is truly lackluster. Sometimes that’s OK, and sometimes it’s simply not, and it’s not on July 13. Moon square Saturn ignites our search for negativity, and we find it throughout the day.

RELATED: How To Manifest Love, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Still, there’s a wake-up call; this is a chance in disguise. Today allows us to do something about it, rather than sit there in misery, hoping things miraculously get better. So, for three zodiac signs today, the lesson is to watch, observe and then DO something about it. If you want this to last, NAME what’s gone wrong and do something about it. This is a chance. This is an opportunity in disguise. Take it.

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on July 13:

1. Cancer 

(June 21 – July 22)

Today gives you pause. You thought you had done the right thing at one point, but it seems to have snowballed into whatever you could call the relationship now. That means that both you and your partner, at one point, thought ‘something’ would be a good idea. Well, time and tide have proven you wrong, and on July 13, 2023, you’ll either have to change your ways or find a way to end what you have because you can’t run on that old program any longer.


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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