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3 Zodiac Signs Who May Experience A Fairly Tough Day On July 1

Three zodiac signs will have a tough day on July 1. False starts and ridiculous mistakes add to the idea that July 1, 2023, will make life rougher than we wanted for three zodiac signs on this day. We are looking at a relatively ‘kind’ transit and how it takes three zodiac signs down when it goes wrong. This transit is Mercury sextile Jupiter, and while it can do much good, it’s the kind of influence that can go wrong very easily. Today is the day we forget our car keys at the restaurant.

Today is the day when we drive off with a cup of coffee balancing on the roof of our car, and while all that sounds kind of ‘meek,’ it’s the little things that can put a person off, and today, three zodiac signs will get to feel a little ‘off.’

Because it’s the first day of July, we can’t help but want this day to go well. It’s almost like a superstitious thing. if day one goes well, then ‘it’s a sign!’ We want that sign, and we are looking for it, too. And, as it goes with ‘zodiac sign,’ we also interpret the not-so-nice events as part of the package. During a transit like Mercury sextile Jupiter, we could easily take that sign to mean that the rest of the month is bound for dreadfulness.

Yes, it looks pretty polarizing, but that’s the kind of species we are. We find the polar opposite of joy and hone in on it as if it will grant us some kind of revelation. The only revelation we’re going to get today is the one that tells us to shut up, back down and give it a rest.

RELATED: What Makes July 2023 A Challenging Month For 3 Specific Zodiac Signs


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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