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3 Zodiac Signs Crave The Single Life On June 17, 2023

Let’s get something straight, right off the top; June 17, 2023, is not exactly the kind of day when the idea of a committed romance is what we want to focus on. In fact, during the transit of Moon sextile Mars, being in a long-term relationship with anyone seems more of an annoyance than it does a ‘dream come true.’ This day may have us feeling that feeling of ‘the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.’

So if we are in a relationship right now, we may be hungering for the single life, as that is the life of freedom, according to the fantasy we’ve created in our minds. We want what we don’t have during Moon sextile Mars. For those of us in committed relationships, we want the polar opposite of that experience, as in total freedom and the ability to be single.

This calling will come out of nowhere for three zodiac signs, but it will chomp down on our psyches as if it were a pitfall with a mission. Whatever got us to this place is part of the story that has made us want to be single and free. The kicker here is that Moon sextile Mars is also a trickster. It only makes us think we want a single life. It doesn’t necessarily push us into having one. We live in a fantasy world today, and if we are one of the three zodiac signs mentioned, we may even sell ourselves the idea that it’s better to be single than it is to be partnered.

RELATED: Saturn Retrograde May Trigger Trust Issues In 3 Zodiac Signs On June 17

The upside is that we won’t be starting any romantic wars today, meaning, yes, we drool over being single, but we’re not all that sold on ruining the relationships we’ve put all this time into creating. So, we’re safe. While Moon-sextile Mars is not always the epitome of safety and security, its moves on us today will only get us thinking, not doing. These three zodiac signs will feel it most intensely.


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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