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What Your Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week That Mercury Enters Cancer

This week brings multiple changes, and you are encouraged to work with the energies at play to help progress your intentions and manifestations. Each planet has a specific gift regarding how it can help you achieve what you desire, and by understanding and tapping into it, you can make the most of it — instead of becoming discouraged.  

Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Cancer, helping you to reflect on your inner emotional world, enabling you to understand that your feelings become the compass for what you want to manifest. It allows you to break down your wants versus needs and value your emotions as deeply as you do logic. Neptune begins its retrograde journey in Pisces, in perfect harmony, offering you a double dose of water energy and helping you focus on what is real while igniting the flame of divine trust within the universe and yourself. 

These two energies benefit each other for manifesting as long as you take time to sit with your feelings. This is done by not judging or reacting when an emotion comes up but instead asking yourself where it is coming from, if there is anything underneath it, and, ultimately, what it is trying to show you. By learning how to sit with your emotions before beginning any manifestation rituals, you will ensure that you will be able to find your truth and let that be what leads you forward. 

RELATED: These 3 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love This Week

What your zodiac sign can manifest the week that Mercury enters Cancer:


(March 21 – April 19)  


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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