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3 Specific Zodiac Signs Have A Great Week Starting June 26 – July 2

Three zodiac signs have the best weekly horoscopes for June 26 – July 2, 2023. First, here are the messages of the week for everyone. The energy is very introverted this week. It’s also a good time to share secrets with those you are close to and bring them into your confidence. For some of you, now’s the time to pull back from socializing and really focus on what you want to achieve in this lifetime. A collision course with fate is in store for most people this week. For some of you, this is a romance of a lifetime.

The transiting Moon will traverse Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius this week. So big questions and confrontations with the shadows in your subconscious are to be expected. If you are a fire sign, now’s the time to find inner peace and ground yourself. Too much energy will bring conflicts. If you are an air sign, wishy-washy behavior will be your undoing. If you are an earth sign, look to your elders for advice even if you always don’t see eye to eye with them. They will reveal things that you never considered. If you are a water sign, this week is perfect for indulging in nostalgia and catching up on the TV shows and books you have on your watchlist.

The waxing Moon this week is perfect for manifestation rituals. After all, there’s a Full Moon on July 3. So now’s the time to prepare yourself. If you have access to a shaman who can conduct the ritual for you, even better! Let’s focus on the three zodiac signs with the best weekly horoscopes for June 26 – July 2.

RELATED: What Your Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week That Mercury Enters Cancer

Three zodiac signs with the best weekly horoscopes for June 26 – July 2, 2023:

1. Scorpio

(October 23 – November 21)


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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