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Horoscope: Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign July 24 – 30, 2023

What day will be your luckiest this week? During the week of July 24 – 30, 2023, the Sun will officially be in Leo, Venus will be retrograde in Leo, and the Nodes will have entered Aries and Leo. These astrological changes bring luck to your zodiac sign so you can step out of the darkness and into the light of the truth. Forget the long-lost dreams that only serve to deliver regret, and see with the brilliant hope of divine orchestration that nothing meant for you can ever be lost — or even tainted.

Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, has been bringing tremendous changes this year as it shifted zodiac signs into Aquarius for the first time since 2008 it first entered Capricorn. Since that time, you’ve been uprooting the structures and foundations of your life, which have only served to limit you, and as the freedom of Aquarius has begun to tempt you, so too are you finally ready to take action.

During July 24 – 30, 2023, Pluto in Capricorn will form a tension point with the North Node, which recently shifted into Aries. The Nodes change represents a new season, just as Pluto firmly in Aquarius has and will continue to create. However, at this moment, there is something from your past that you need to bring closure to, step away from or burn down altogether.

This is your moment of emancipation or autonomy, and of embodying the lessons of Capricorn so profoundly, you will never need to repeat them. Change is hard, and so is giving up a belief, a personal story or even a situation in your life that has been significant. The trick is to know nothing truly meant for you will ever be lost, and you should never have to sacrifice your growth to keep something or even someone in your life.

Luck is found when you create the space for it to grow. It takes root in your growth, is nourished by your awareness and healing and blossoms within your courage to take chances and risks for a life far more significant than you could ever imagine. This week, note what seems to be leaving your energy and what zodiac signs you’re receiving from the universe. Then commit to honor your truth at any cost because it’s there you first plant the seed for the life which is divinely yours.


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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