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3 Specific Zodiac Signs Obsess Over An Ex On June 8, 2023

Whenever we have a transit like a Moon square Uranus, as we will be having on June 8, we need to find something to focus on. During Moon square Uranus, we may find ourselves bored or needing something to complain about, and when that happens, many of us start to turn to our past.

We will seek reasons to moan, groan and feel sorry for ourselves during this day. For three zodiac signs, we’ll find those reasons in the obsessive thoughts of our old lovers. That makes sense, right? Don’t we all do this? When the vibe is down, we immediately turn to our exes for excuses, pity, and anger. During Moon square Uranus, we cannot stop thinking about the people we once loved and lost … to fate.

Because Uranus is the planet of rebellion, the kind of rebellion that Moon square Uranus offers us is the kind that comes with reveling in peace. We aren’t content to ‘be at ease’ today. We want trouble. We want to find a good reason to feel sorry for ourselves, and three zodiac signs will eat this transit up like a delicious meal. We need something fool-proof, something that will take up all of our time, and what better topic than that of our ex-lover? If we are bored and that boredom starts getting to us, we will find solace in the misery of memory. Happens every time.

RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Are Seriously Obsessive, Ranked From Most To Least

And, if we’re really creative, as we may very well be during the creative-but-creepy transit of Moon square Uranus, we may even start to rewrite history for ourselves. While the ex is not there to speak for themselves, we might enjoy a revisionist’s look at what really happened between ourselves and them. Were they really as bad as we are making them out to be? «Oh yes, and more.» We will rewrite the story of our ex relationships on this day. Hey, we have to do something with our time, right?


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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June 8 Is An Auspicious Day For Love For 3 Specific Zodiac Signs, Sun Trine Moon

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