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3 Specific Zodiac Signs Have Rough Horoscopes On Friday, June 16

Talk about harsh days! Today, three zodiac signs are negatively affected by today’s horoscopes. we can blame the transit Moon square Saturn for making us feel like we are the problem. On June 16, will have Geminis, Leos, and Libras feeling as though we are the reason the world doesn’t work. Yes, it’s that pitiful, and for some reason, certain zodiac signs will take it upon themselves to feel as though they are the cause of all things negative.

Humans get like this, but we become somewhat pathetic when we take it too far, as three unhappy zodiac signs will on this day. There is such a thing as having a negative ego. This is what happens when we demand that we are the worst. We are the bad ones. We are the ones who can’t do anything right, wahh, wahh, wahh.

By claiming that we are the worst, we absolve ourselves of having to take responsibility, as if being the worst gives us a built-in excuse for being pathetic. «I can’t help it. I’m just the worst. So there!» Narcissism comes with Moon square Saturn, and for three sad zodiac signs, it may turn us into beasts. We indulge in our guilt, sadness and loneliness, but the problem here is that we don’t want anyone even to try to help. We enjoy the misery because it sets us apart from others and … it gets us attention. Negative attention is still attention. When you’re hungry for attention, you get it any way you can during Moon square Saturn.

RELATED: The Saddest Zodiac Signs That Are Most Likely To Be Depressed

Three astrological signs will want to spend this day alone … but under the proviso that everyone knows we want this. It’s as if the entire thing is an act that is created just to grab attention. We sulk and complain and make sure everyone around us knows how dissatisfied we are with them, ourselves, and the world. We need an audience today, even though our ‘gig’ is to look like we just want to be alone. Twisted, eh?


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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