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What To Expect During First House Profection Years

Astrology isn’t just limited to your Sun sign, Moon sign, and love compatibility. There’s a unique branch in astrology that can predict the course of your life in cycles of 12 years called annual profections and it’s governed by the 12 houses in the zodiac wheel.

According to this system, the first year of your life, right after birth, is your first house profection year, which affects your life at the ages of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and so on. This is followed by your second house profection year when you turn one year old. Then, the third house profection year when you are two, and so on and so forth.

The annual profections cycle can help you predict what the new few years of your life will be like, and what you should focus on every year to make the most of your unique astrological blessings. And, of course, over the course of 12 years, each profections cycle also marks the period of growth and maturity for us.

The meaning of first house profection year in astrology

The first house in astrology deals with the self, how you express yourself, your physical appearance, the way you move and take action in the world, and also how others perceive you. It also represents the mask we wear in public and the first impression we leave on others. So, when you begin a new annual profections cycle with your first house profection year, the focus is very heavily on the self and how you want to show up in the world.

RELATED: What To Expect During Your 7th House Profection Year

A good start here can make the next few years of your life pretty good. But a bad first house profection year can muddy the subsequent years with insecurities, poor luck, and other consequences of bad self-esteem.


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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