
Weekly Forecast: September 12-18

There are times in life when the clouds begin to part and the murkiness of a transition, conflict, or challenge subsides. This week is one of those times, as The Lovers brings its energizing zest to a new chapter of our lives. The clouds, however, will be dissipating at different rates for each of us. Be sure to reach for any moments of beauty and inspiration while accepting your current place on the journey; Major Arcana cards represent impactful moments and entire chapters of our lives. There is so much time for this card to reach its full expression, and this is just the beginning.

The Lovers is about choice and agency, but unlike The Chariot it deals with divine forces instead of personal willpower. Look to the world around you for inspiration and beauty, small invitations for next steps that feel authentic to you and your soul. Lofty language, grand concepts, big stories – all of these will help encourage the energy of this card, so if you’re not feeling it naturally, be sure to take matters into your own hands in ways that feel delightful to you alone.

Actively engaging with The Lovers will be important as difficult and very earthly matters come into focus mid-week. The Five of Pentacles is a challenging card. There may be issues with money, health, or, more broadly, the basic functioning of our everyday lives. Things feel like a struggle, and we’ll need all our energy to stay our path or simply get through the day.

Having The Lovers at our back, however, is just the energy we need to weather moments of difficulty. We may be tempted to use whatever challenge is active as a litmus test for the big plans, dreams, and choices we’re holding close to our hearts. To which I say: just don’t! Momentary hardship doesn’t have to be a referendum on our identity, life decisions, or desires. In fact, The Lovers is asking us to use our lofty ideals and grand imaginings for support during stressful times. Wanting something and not having it yet, or wanting to do something and having some difficulties, is par for the course. And, as this reading suggests, the discomfort is temporary.

The Page of Wands concludes our reading, telling us that while we may feel hunched over and struggling through a headwind in the middle of the week, by the end we’ll be upright and in possession of a new idea to guide us forward. How can temporary setbacks and material limitations actually inspire us to innovate? This card is nudging us to lean into difficulty and treat it as a wise teacher. It’s also an affirming emissary for The Lovers’; we’ll need the practical passion of this page to bring our loft Lovers’ ideals into fruition this week and beyond.

This week, embrace:

  • Embracing a choice, change, or new chapter

  • Enacting your values, honoring shifts in identity

  • Romance, myth, utopian visions

  • Muscling through daily difficulty

  • New ideas and sparks of inspiration

This week, avoid:

  • Shrinking from your personal agency or vision

  • Treating temporary setbacks as defeats

  • Large expenditures, retail therapy, financial irresponsibility

  • Backing away from your dreams

Get creative:

  • The Lovers: I think this card is asking for a grand gesture this week. And while it appears to be outwardly about romance, it’s more about a devotion to a higher calling. So, take some time to feel out (NOT think/analyze) a grand vision that makes you feel alive, energized, and inspired. Search for a piece of art – a poem, image, or song – that brings you closest to how you feel when you think about this calling/future/vision and revisit it throughout the week.

  • The Five of Pentacles: I’m feeling drawn to the rags in this image and think it would be a powerful act to spend some time mending, washing, or restoring an item of clothing you wear frequently. Perhaps even break out the shoe cleaning supplies that lurk in the dark corners of your laundry room (am I the only one?). As you clean, stitch, or shine, focus on how you can always bring your care to what you have when you feel lacking, and in doing so, restore and revivify yourself.

  • Page of Wands: The pages are such rascals; they don’t care how goofy or awkward they look when trying something new. In fact, they may not even be aware of their lack of mastery. Like the truly young, they think their passion equals expertise. I think a healthy dose of this cockiness may actually be helpful for us this week, especially when it comes to shaking off the weight of the Five of Pentacles. So, when you find yourself transfixed with a new idea or plan (I’m thinking on the low-end of the “difficulty/responsibility” spectrum) just do it. Have fun, take a small risk, and leave your self-judgment at the door.

Written by HoroscopoDiario

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