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The Planet Personalities In Astrology And How To Find Yours

Most people know about their Sun sign personality type and maybe what their Moon sign means. But did you know that you can also be a Uranian, or a Plutonian, or a Venusian personality type?

Planet personalities, like the ones mentioned above, are basically astrology terms used to describe people whose natal charts are heavily influenced by a particular planet or luminary. So, if you want to know your planetary personality type, first pull up your birth chart using a birth chart calculator, and then check if your chart has any of the following.

Planet personalities

RELATED: How To Find Your Dominant Planet In Astrology (And What It Means)

Sun dominant: Solarian personality

Solarian people are warm-hearted, generous, ambitious, and forward-moving. They like to be the center of attention and don’t hold back their feelings. They are also very creative. Solarians bright up any room they walk into.

You are a Solarian personality type if your natal chart has:

Moon dominant: Lunarian personality

Lunarian people are dreamy, emotional, soft-hearted, moody, and very creative. But unlike Solarians, they like to go with the flow in most things and don’t like plans and rigid schedules. They are either very introverted or secretive about their private life. Lunarians are strong empaths.

You are a Lunarian personality type if your natal chart has:


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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