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Saturn in Pisces – Missed Diagnosis / Misdiagnosed

Neptune blue backgroundThere’s a crazy cloud around medical issues at this time.  This is affecting almost everyone, if not directly then via a friend or family member. Doctors can’t figure it out, for a long, long, long list of reasons.

This is a common occurrence when Saturn and Neptune (Pisces) combine. It’s a true phenomena and I want to say, it’s not always the doctor’s fault.

Some patients don’t communicate well with their doctors. They omit information, purposely or otherwise, effectively handicapping the doctor.

A person may read on the internet and come up with their idea of what’s wrong with them.  This can subtly and subconsciously alter what they report to the doctor. Things fog up very quickly.

Cognitive impairment is another barrier to a getting a good diagnoses. The doctor can be the one that’s impaired! I’ve seen this myself, when a doctor strolled into a waiting area, to catch a couple on their way out. “There’s a spot on your lung on your x-ray,” he called to the husband. “You should check it out,” he added, as I watched the wife’s knees buckle. This same doctor sent me for a “full body cancer scan” because my back hurt.  He didn’t bother to explain his reasoning.

So now we have pandemic stuff and the shots. Different people think different things about the levels of danger associated with everything involved with this.  This doesn’t help to identify what might be ailing a person. Discerning information from misinformation is a challenge.

Feeling something is wrong, but not being able to isolate it does not stop people from treating themselves. Without fully understanding your situation, it’s easy to make yourself worse or further cloud the information. Marketing provides a huge on-ramp to the path of taking and mixing supplements you heard of yesterday, in order to calm or heal yourself in some way.  Available on Amazon! Various potions can interact with various potions.

Stress affects the immune system and we all have plenty of that!  We’ve also got doctors who don’t want to say anything and patients who don’t want to know anything. You can reverse these statements and they will still be true. Pisces!

I have Saturn Neptune mashed in my chart. I have been dealing with this and writing about it for years.

People Who Have Trouble Getting Diagnosed With (Or Without) Illness

I have some tips for overcoming this challenge. One or more might be applicable to your situation.

Clear communication is key.  Doctors don’t spend a lot of time with patients these days.  If you want a chance at being understood, take the time to annotate your complaints.  This way you won’t miss anything.  I know I’m a puzzle, so I often just hand a concise list to my doctor.  He can scan it in one minute and take it from there; asking me questions to clarify as needed.

pareto 80/20 ruleFind a doctor who likes and listens to you. Again, I have been dealing with this for so long, I came to understand long ago, you need a doctor who sees you. You can help this scenario develop by making eye contact to attempt to connect with this other human being.  Communication is always a two-way street.  Try to be fully present during your appointment.  If you’re working your end and they’re not working theirs, you need a new doctor.

Take advantage of your doctor’s education. I was having a severe problem that suggested I might have had a stroke. I had to get to brain MRI’s (with and without contrast), which revealed nothing but another bad diagnosis. Frustrated, I went to my doctor and asked him to look at everything I was taking and tell me if there was anything on the list that could explain the problems I was having – ANYTHING. He noted he’d heard that a tiny percentage of people had issues with a very common drug I was taking. Good thing I asked because when I went off it, my problems resolved almost immediately. Jeez louise!

Consider prioritizing your problems. If you have something that is literally doing you in, it can make sense to focus on resolving it, by setting the minutiae aside.  The 80/20 rule applies. You want to get at the 20% that is causing the 80% of your problems.

Bottom line, it’s your health and it’s worth taking responsibility (Saturn) for finding your way through the fog, as opposed to leaving to the authority figure who does not have to live with the consequences (Saturn) of a misdiagnosis. And try to be patient because the fog is real and if you get upset, it creates stress which tends to make everything worse.

Are you dealing with undiagnosed or misunderstood illness? Have you ever?  Do you have tips of your own?

If you’re struggling with Saturn in Pisces, check out our guide: Staying Stable As Reality Morphs.  It will help!


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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