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March 28, 2023 Horoscopes Are Dynamic For 3 Zodiac Signs

Today brings the First Quarter Moon in Cancer and the fusing together of your intuition with definitive action steps toward your dreams. Since Saturn moved into Pisces a few weeks ago, the idea of your dreams being important has been much more prevalent.  

It is a time when you must work for what you want to create, but you can manifest every dream or desire you have for your life. With the shift of Pluto into Aquarius, the Aries New Moon, and Mars shifting into Cancer last week, it was a supercharged burst of energy that you may not have known what to do with. While all planets have been direct since January, this shift opened doors and brought in innovative ideas you never thought possible. 

And now, you are standing at the threshold of it all. The First Quarter Moon in Cancer, of course, draws you into your own emotional body. This part of you is often neglected over the rational and logical as you have been taught your power exists in what you can explain rather than what you intuitively feel. 

However, with Saturn in Pisces and the current shifts along with Mars in Cancer, you are beginning to understand the importance of paying close attention to your emotions, feelings, and intuition. Intuitive emotions are not vulnerable but represent a great capacity and power to feel and create a life based on this inner truth. When formulating plans for your life, while your mind may help you get from points A to B, it also tends to lie to you. Your mind will convince you why it would never work or even why you are not worthy of having it be successful – however, your heart will never lie.  

RELATED: The Astrology Match That Creates Long-Lasting Compatibility


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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3 Zodiac Signs Feel ‘Stuck’ On March 28, 2023, Moon Trine Saturn