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How Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest Using The Scorpio Moon’s Energy On August 22, 2023

On Tuesday, August 22, 2023, the Moon swims through the sign of Scorpio as it approaches its First Quarter phase in just a few days. As a Waxing Crescent, you are being inspired to focus on the New Moon intentions you set last week; however, today, you are invited to focus on the challenges associated with bringing them to fruition. 

The Moon rules your emotional body, often what is considered the most genuine part of who you are, and in Scorpio, it helps you take in all that you feel so you can transmute it into a tool to manifest your intention. The deep water sign of Scorpio is known for its passion and even darkness, as it can hold space for every facet of life, including the mysterious, the taboo, and even the occult. It can walk into areas few will, and because of that, it is the zodiac sign of the alchemist and the phoenix.  

Scorpio can take what is most challenging and transmute it into gold, into all that is beautiful and wonderful in this life. Because while the moments that challenge you might seem they are meant to break you, instead, it is their purpose to break you up, to inspire you to grow and become your phoenix of fate, as you have mastered the art of the alchemist. 

Manifesting under this energy requires a sacred space, alone time, and any rituals be done by the increasing light of the moon. 

Take a chance to ask yourself the root of your feelings, trusting the deeper you dive, the more you allow yourself to transform into the person you are meant to be. Focus today on rituals that nourish your spirit and body, seeing them not as separate entities but as part of a whole that makes up all you are. Because only when you have stepped into the alchemist’s circle of truth can you begin to manifest not just your deepest desires, but also your divine fate.  


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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