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3 Zodiac Signs Have A Great First Day Of Spring, March 20, 2023

A brand-new astrological year is here now that the Sun has entered Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the initiator of Spring. The first day of spring is also called the Vernal Equinox when the day is split equally between day and night. We feel peaceful and centered as this new year begins.

Aries is a cardinal sign representing leadership and trendsetter energy that is known to make anything happen. It is the ability to be active manifestos within life and the creation of your destiny. There is always a fresh start to life this time of year as you can finally start taking action that you may have felt brewing over the winter months.

Today, as the Sun moves into the sign of Aries in the late afternoon hours, it will feel like a weight has been lifted as you suddenly feel empowered to start acting on what you desire most. For many, lightness is associated with this season as you wake out of your winter slumber, ready to take root and bloom as the world around you readies to.

The Sun in astrology governs your external actions and motivations; as it shifts into the fire sign of Aries, you will feel more energetic and confident toward tackling those things that have been on your mind or heart. It is a season for action, for making changes and luck for you — astrology supports both.

Today’s energy is also influenced by the waning sextile between the Pisces Sun and Pluto in Capricorn as they intersect at the fated last degree. This catalyst of an ending will prompt a more zealous feeling of seizing that beautiful new beginning.

RELATED: Friendships Change For 3 Zodiac Signs March 20, 2023, During The Vernal Equinox


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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