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Which 4 Zodiac Signs Are Most Likely To Fall Out Of Love & End Their Relationships This Week

During July 17 – 23, 2023, we’re going to see the end of many romantic relationships, and for the four zodiac signs who fall out of love, that is because these couplings are simply not meant to stand the test of time.

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perfect people who get together and have perfect relationships, and yet, very few of us get to rank supreme when it comes to longevity and happiness. This week brings news for four zodiac signs who may or may not see this coming. However, this is very much the week where many recognize that love no longer exists and that the possibility of ending the relationship does.

We’ve got a lot of opposing transits coming at us this week, not to mention the power thrust of Leo season at our backs. Leo is fabulous for healing and positive growth, but in our case, it’s all about getting to where we can accept that what we have now must end to get to that brilliant ‘land of hope.’ It’s hard to jump right into ‘happy, peppy and bursting with love’ when we have the Moon opposite Pluto, Moon opposite Saturn and the Sun opposite Pluto in one week. We will confront our demons. Yes, they will be as ugly as we assumed. This week has us ending our relationships because we see what’s wrong with ‘the other person’ and what’s wrong with us.

We need change desperately, and change comes to us like a refining fire. It will burn us clean … but we must leap into the flames to reach the next stage. This week may be tough for these three zodiac signs, as there will be a lot of pressure on us to end things once and for all. Harsh but necessary.

RELATED: Why This Week May Be Difficult For 3 Specific Zodiac Signs Starting July 17 

Four zodiac signs fall out of love and end their relationships this week:

1. Libra 

(September 23 – October 22)

You will have to confront something this week that you’ve been avoiding for a while now, Libra, and that revolves around the idea that you are not happy with your romance. In fact, ‘romance’ is the last thing you’d call it. Just the idea of THAT alone makes you sad, and while you can handle being sad, you cannot handle the idea of being sad forever and without meaning, so it will be this week that you have that confrontation with your partner.


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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