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Every Zodiac Sign’s Tarot Horoscope & Numerology For June 30

Today the Moon will enter Sagittarius, and the Sun will be in the sign of Cancer. These two signs set the tone for the day and your tarot card reading. Cancer rules the Moon and the Moon tarot card, which is about deception; Sagittarius governs the Temperance card, about feeling preoccupied with worries. So on Friday, we have heightened emotions. If you’re a water sign, it can be a slightly sad day; if you’re an air sign, you might work out problems using your heart than your mind. On a collective level, Friday is designed for spiritual matters and thinking ‘higher thoughts’ — a cosmic plot twist from what we’ve experienced at the start of the week when the Moon was in Scorpio.

Based on Numerology, June 30, 2023, is a Life Path 7, the Spiritual Seeker, which works well with the Sagittarius Moon if you’re an introvert, Scorpio or Capricorn zodiac sign. Unplug from social media. Rather than watch others live exciting lives, hit your backlist with intention. Go dark on social media this weekend, check out your local community or state, and go on an impromptu weekend trip; consider checking out Museums or old churches and learn about the county’s deep history. Visit a dive restaurant where the parking lot is full of local car tags, and you know before you open the restaurant doors that the food will be good!

If you are a Life Path 1, 3, 7, 9 or 11, expect a revived soul-search and review your life purpose. Today’s Cancer Sun, Sagittarius Moon with Life Path 7 energy, is perfect for journaling, visiting a church, watching an online sermon, downloading a Joel Osteen podcast, or looking into Eastern religions such as Taoism and Buddhism. Everyone will enjoy picking up a copy in hardcover or audio of The Four Agreements and reading it to help you bring more joy into your life. It will come in handy when you’re on that weekend road trip!

Learn what your zodiac sign’s daily tarot card reading has in store for you on Friday, June 30, 2023.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Tarot card: The Star


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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