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8 Lucky Aspects In The Natal Chart

The natal chart consists of many placements that can help us uncover our potential, including just how lucky we are.

Every single person has a dose of luck in their chart because Jupiter and Venus are in everybody’s chart. These two planets are known as benefic placements since they can initiate energy that builds our confidence which could be deemed as «lucky.» Any natal planet making an aspect to benefics can be considered «lucky,» even if it is with malefics.

Aspects such as the trine and sextile can also indicate luck because these are easy-flowing placements that can help push us to where we want or uncover our potential.

Below are a few aspects that can feel like getting an extra dose of luck. There are other lucky aspects and placements in astrology, but the aspects below can feel like receiving a gift from a crush or extra marshmallows added to our hot chocolate — they make things sweeter.

Lucky aspects in the natal chart

RELATED: The Luckiest Zodiac Signs, Ranked

1. Jupiter conjunct the North Node

Nothing brings more power and luck than having the benefit conjunct such a peak placement in our charts like the North Node. Jupiter is setting the stage for greatness and the native has to be prepared to practice patience because aspects of the North Node involve being determined and expecting slow progress. It is a journey, but the native has the focus to get to where they want.

2. Venus in Pisces

There’s a double dose of luck with this placement in the natal chart. Venus is exalted in Pisces and ruled by Jupiter, making those with this placement magnetic in all aspects. They can have luck in love, easily make friends and appreciate their sense of worth. Although Venus in Pisces can lose its grip on reality when in love, the native must respect their boundaries before committing to a relationship. Once the native knows to protect their energy and boundaries, they can feel the benefic’s influence in their lives. 


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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