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What Your Zodiac Sign Can Manifest On July 31, During Moon Trine Uranus

Break free from tradition and discover your unique path. This is your life and no one else’s, which means you are the only one who knows the dreams in your heart and the purpose of your soul’s path. There is no right way to do things, nor is there any script you must follow. Instead, it’s about breaking free from tradition or obligations and allowing yourself to tap into your unique inspiration.  

Monday, July 31, 2023, creates an opportunity to manifest using the energy of Uranus, the great awakener. Uranus is the planet responsible for the shock and awe moments in life, where you suddenly feel a massive redirection that is the product of your awakening.

An awakening is when you come to see or understand a greater truth. Still, it also prevents you from returning to any previous mindset or situation you once occupied. It’s a moment that forever changes everything, and while this can create fear, Uranus only works to wake you up to what is in your best interest so you don’t miss the magic in the divine way the universe works.  

Uranus in Taurus today will align with the Capricorn Moon, helping you take a realistic approach to your inner emotional world and see how it generates your moment of awakening. To manifest with Uranus means breaking free to allow in something even more significant. It asks you to hold the possibility of what you’re displaying gently so that you can be guided rather than forcing anything. When you do, you will allow yourself to embrace your inner knowledge and the truth within your unique soul, which is always what will help lead to you living your most authentic, beautiful life.  

What your zodiac sign can manifest on July 31:


(March 21 – April 19)  

How to manifest: Your inner truth 

Uranus activates your self-worth sector, meaning it’s time to discover and honor your inner truth. Begin by anointing your chakra points with rosemary essential oil to help you discover your true self. Then quietly sit as you allow your breath to settle, keeping your affirmation in your mind’s eye. As you do, place your hands in tattva mudra of truth, as you remain aware of what is revealed.  


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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