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Gemini Mothers: Best & Worst Traits And Parenting Style

When those born under the Gemini zodiac sign become mothers, being aware of their strengths and weaknesses can help cater to successful parenting methods. Here is what you need to know astrologically about child-rearing.

Gemini is one of the signs ruled by the planet Mercury, which concerns our speech and thinking. Unless something else in the chart prevents it, you are a born communicator and a person who typically looks at all sides of the equation when making a decision. You are generally fair and high-minded, and a basically upbeat, positive and intelligent individual.

RELATED: What You’re Like As A Parent, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Gemini mom strengths

Being a communicator you will in all likelihood foster a positive communication style with your kids. It has been said that sometimes a Gemini mother knows what her child is going to say before he or she even says it!

With Mercury as your ruling planet, you will foster your child’s creativity and interest in everything around them. In all probability, you will be a stickler for education and anything else that increases their curiosity and ability to learn. Your goal will be to create a thinking, curious and creative individual who can think outside the box.

It is important to you to feel as though you are friends with your children, not just a parent. You will increase this bond by creating surprises and planning fun things to do, trips and unusual adventures that will delight and inspire your child. You have the most youthful spirit of the zodiac and while your biological years may increase, you will never really grow oldand always try and keep the spirit of adventure and inquisitiveness alive in yourself and your children. You may, in fact, be the hippest mother around.

Being a highly social person you will welcome all of your children’s friends. Your home will always be full of life, and your house could soon become the kid magnet of the neighborhood. Since it takes a great deal to bother you or make you angry you will probably leave the children to their own devices with only a few rules dealing with safety concerns. As a result of your reputation as a very cool mom, children will want to come to your home as an outlet for fun, friends and great conversations. You may even interact with the kids in fun games or anything that will generate their curiosity.


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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