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3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On August 14, 2023

What we can expect on this day, August 14, 2023, is a day of restrictions and broken promises. While that doesn’t sound too promising, there’s a good message in there, somewhere … it’s getting to it that will test our patience. Today is a day of great change, or rather, accepting the idea that great change must occur.

During the transit of the Moon opposite Pluto, three zodiac signs must come to terms with something they’ve perhaps been putting off. When we put things off successfully, we must pay attention to them. They usually come back to haunt us. This is that day. Today is when the ghosts fly free and we just want to swat them away.

There’s a good chance this is financial as Moon opposite Pluto often considers what’s going on materialistically. We might be people who spend too much, and during Leo season, that wouldn’t surprise anyone. It is summer, and we tend to be a bit looser with our spending. This could be a blessing in disguise, this Moon opposite Pluto transit, as it reminds us to pull back … and perhaps to stay back. Moon opposite Pluto reminds us that we must live our lives in balance and that discretion and discipline are indeed good for many of us.

For the three zodiac signs who will experience the jolt that comes with Moon opposite Pluto, it will look like a personal wake-up call and one that tells us to back up, have a good think, and act when we are ready. It’s no longer free-for-all. We need to stop with the excess and change our lives to sustain ourselves. It will be OK if we pay attention to the writing on the wall. These three zodiac signs will be most affected by Moon opposite Pluto.

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on August 14, 2023:

1. Libra 

(September 23 – October 22)

The interesting thing about you, Libra, is that while you are true to your avatar — The Scales — you are also the zodiac sign that rebels by taking things way out of balance, and that’s what this summer has done to you so far. You spend recklessly and enjoy every minute of it. You realize that you’ll have to put the brakes on it sooner or later, but until then, it’s a basic free for all when throwing the money down.

And then, Moon opposite Pluto knocks on your door with the ultimate wake-up call. On August 14, you are welcome to know the party is officially over. It’s OK. You knew you’d have to stop at some point. You just didn’t think ‘today’ would be the day. If you don’t stop today, it will come back to bite you, so stay on top of your finances and don’t get lazy. Listen to the transits!


Written by HoroscopoDiario

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